The Charm of the Gili Islands Around Bali and Lombok

The Gili Islands are located in the Lombok region, which is also close to the island of Bali. travel to gili islands is an exciting activity in exploring the natural beauty. The three Gilis, located around the island of Bali and Lombok, are the target of foreign tourists because of their stunning natural beauty. Gili Meno, Gili Trawangan and Gili Air are three islands always in the spotlight for foreign tourists.

The Charm of the Three Gilis Around Bali and Lombok

Foreign tourists and many local tourists are also interested in coming to the bali islands gili. The natural beauty there is indeed the main attraction for every tourist who comes there. This is the charm of the fantastic Gili Islands:

  • Gili Trawangan

Gili Trawangan is the largest of the existing Gili Islands. If you want to visit Gili Trawangan from Bali Island. In that case, you can use a ferry, or you can also use a fast boat from Serangan, Padang Bai, or Benoa with a duration of 1 hour. You will feel the air is spotless in Gili Trawangan because there are no motorized vehicles. If you want to travel from one place to another, you can ride a horse cart or wagon.

In addition, the underwater charm of the Gilis is incomparable because it has seawater with beautiful marine life that will provide a holiday experience on the beach. Try to come to the areas of Jack Point, Halik Reef, Bounty Reef, and others to see the fantastic underwater wonders.

  • Gili Meno

Gili Meno is an island located between Gili Trawangan and Gili Air. The distance from Gili Trawangan to Gili Meno is approximately 15 minutes by sea crossing. Gili Meno is also an island with only about 500 people. Its primary occupation is as a producer of salt and sea. The atmosphere here is also calm and very peaceful with beach waves and cool breezes.

  • Gili Air

Like Gili Trawangan and Gili Meno, Gili Air is also an island with clear sea water, a pleasant atmosphere, and beautiful marine life. The area is pretty broad because it can accommodate 1800 people. The distance from Gili Meno to Gili Air is only about 15 minutes by ocean crossing. Gili Air is the perfect place to snorkel, scuba dive, and even investigate corals and turtles. Besides that, you can also do kitesurfing and stand-up paddle boarding on Gili Air.

The beauty of the three famous Gilis in Lombok is interesting for Indonesia. The many exciting spots there will make you feel at home on vacation on the islands.

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