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Meditation is a practise that may bring about many positive changes in one’s life, including increased attention and awareness, the calming of one’s emotional life, a developing sense of benevolence and kindness, and a rising desire to be of service in this world.

Many individuals have spoken highly of the virtues and advantages of meditation, as well as its ability to positively alter the course of a person’s life in a variety of ways. Some individuals have independently realised this over the course of many millennia. The most contemporary neuroimaging technology has, over the past few decades, been validating what meditators have long claimed: that there may be nothing that is so consistently and dependably beneficial for a human being as a daily meditation practise.

Explore this page, which features a number of brief instructional films, podcasts, and guided meditations to assist you in getting started with meditation if you are new to the practise and would want some basic guidance.

What Occurs Typically

Some of our sits are conducted online via the platform zoom, and others are carried out in person at our Zendo in Santa Fe. Everyone is welcome to have a seat. There is no charge, and registration is not necessary. Consider yourself welcomed and welcome to join us at the table if you would want to express your interest in doing so. Please be vaccinated against covid 19 as soon as possible.

How to get the most out of your meditation practise

During these trying times, it is more vital than ever to meditate since it enables one to have greater focus, provides respite from stress, and gives one the ability to have a happy mind. How exactly can meditation accomplish all of this? The host of an ABC programme, Dan Harris, explains it this way: “It keeps you from being dragged about by your thoughts.” Rhino Mediation Chester

There are five positive effects of meditation on health.

Meditation is an age-old technique that aims to assist the mind become more focused and reduce tension. It is being increasingly acknowledged as a helpful approach to create peace and serenity in our ever-increasing contemporary world, and this is a positive development. It is well established that meditation has a beneficial effect on a variety of physical health issues as well, including a reduction in blood pressure and cholesterol levels respectively.

Additional medical advantages of meditation that have been confirmed by research include the following:

The International Journal of Neuroscience published the results of a study in which meditators (those who had been practising for five years or more) were found to be physiologically twelve years younger than their chronological age. This was determined by testing the meditators’ blood pressure, vision, and hearing. One of the benefits of meditation is that it slows the ageing process.

The practise of mindfulness meditation is most usually related with the reduction of depression symptoms. The National Health Service (NHS) and the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) have even claimed that it might cut the risk of depression return by half. As part of a therapy programme for stress and anxiety, as well as for chronic pain and other physiological symptoms caused by chronic disease, several hospitals recommend mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR). You may learn more about mindfulness by reading our blog posts on the topic.

The ability of meditation to lower levels of cortisol, sometimes known as the “stress hormone,” has been demonstrated in a number of studies to be helpful in the treatment of pain, particularly chronic pain. After participating in a meditation programme, the majority of patients in a research that was carried out by the General Hospital of Psychiatry claimed that they had at least a thirty percent reduction in the amount of physical pain they were experiencing.

The practise of meditating either right before going to bed or right after waking up during the night has been demonstrated in several studies to be highly effective in treating insomnia and improving sleep quality. According to the findings of one research that were published by the Harvard Medical School, participants in the study were split into two groups: one group participated in a meditation programme, while the other group participated in a sleep instruction session. After six sessions together, participants in the meditation group experienced fewer bouts of sleeplessness, exhaustion, and despair than their counterparts in the sleep education group.

Recent research has shown a correlation between meditating and changes that take place in the brain, which has been linked to an increase in brain function. Through the practise of meditation, our brains are trained to become more concentrated; as a result, our capacity for learning and academic skills, as well as our memory function and our ability to perform better at work, are all significantly improved. In addition to this, regular practise of meditation helps create thick grey matter in regions of our brain that are connected with learning, memory, and the regulation of emotions.

It can be challenging to navigate through the abundance of material on meditation and mindfulness that is available on the internet, making it tough to locate reliable sources of information. We strongly suggest that you start by going to the Headspace website and downloading their app. After that, you should look at the Be Mindful website, which is where you can discover further information on mindfulness classes. The Meditation Foundation is another helpful resource, and if you sign up for their newsletter, you may receive regular information on their activities.

13 benefits of meditation that have been shown by scientific research

According to Reid, the preliminary findings of research into the advantages of meditation have been encouraging, with clinical studies reporting positive effects such as “memory and concentration, better emotional competence, executive function, better coping skills, improved reading skills, and increased focus.”

A regular meditation practise not only helps us become better, happier, and more self-aware as persons, but according to him, it is also beneficial in terms of our productivity, relationships, and ability to connect and support other people. Not only does it help us become healthier, cheerful, and more personality as individuals, but it also helps us become more self-aware. Who wouldn’t want something like that?

Developing a consistent practise of meditation may be nothing short of transformative, as the numerous advantages of meditation make clear. The best part is that anyone may use it, and there is no cost associated with doing so.

In this article, we will discuss the data that supports each of the following 13 advantages of meditation:

1. Decreases levels of stress

When you are under pressure, your body will respond by secreting chemicals like adrenaline and cortisol, which will set off a chain reaction of other physiological responses. The negative effects of chronic stress on one’s health can be catastrophic, including the disruption of sleep, elevation of blood pressure, and impairment of concentration. The practise of meditation has the effect on the body that is diametrically opposed to the effect that stress has, which is that it causes the body to go into a state of relaxation. According to studies, all that is required to successfully reduce stress is a brief practise of mindfulness meditation—just 25 minutes each day for three days in a row.

2. Reduces the effects of anxiety

The mind may be calmed, and physical tension can be relieved, both of which are accomplished via the practise of meditation, which is an effective method for managing anxiety. Those 89 patients with generalised anxiety disorder, which is characterised by persistent and excessive worrying, who had participated in a relaxation techniques course showed “severely reduced” stress-hormone and inflammatory comments in response to a stressful situation, according to the findings of a study that was conducted on these patients. In the meantime, patients who participated in a stress management course that did not involve meditation recorded poorer reactions.

3. Boosts one’s own sense of self-worth

Through its positive effects on one’s self-esteem and confidence, meditation can contribute to improved mental health. An MRI scanner was used in one of the studies to monitor the participants’ brain activity both before and after they had completed a two-month meditation session. The individuals demonstrated an improvement in self-esteem, an increase in positive self-endorsement and a decrease in terrible self, increased activity in a neural circuitry connected to controlling attention, and reduced activity in brain systems related to self-image.

4. Raise in one’s own level of self-awareness

The practise of meditation can assist you in gaining a deeper comprehension of who you are and how you connect with the world around you. According to studies, having this type of attentive self-awareness is connected with a reduction in the activity of brain areas that are linked to rumination. It also gives you the ability to recognise thinking patterns that are destructive to yourself.

5. Helps you pay focus for longer periods of time

Meditation improves your attention and ability to concentrate for longer periods of time, and you don’t have to perform it for hours and hours in order to feel its benefits. Even people who were completely new to the practise saw improvements in their performance and ability to concentrate when they meditated for short periods of time each day, as documented by researchers at the University of Pennsylvania. According to the findings of one analysis, meditation has the potential to even reverse patterns in the brain that are responsible for mind-wandering and poor concentration.

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